Scanning over network on Linux with xsane and a WiFi or Ethernet scanner. SANE/Scanner-specific problems - ArchWiki - look for HP Prijs: 75. Deze pagina toont u informatie over deze promotie.Onderaan vindt u meer promoties over Print en Scan of van het merk HP. Simple scan in mint 19 - Linux Mint Forums Hp deskjet 3760 all-in-one van HP is van tot en met beschikbaar bij Compudeals. Instructions for installing "gscan2pdf" and current scanning drivers are in the link below. I also highly recommend the newer "gscan2pdf" application. Hp's Developer Portal | Installer Walkthrough

I always create a folder called "hp-printer" underneath my home folder and download their installation script (hplip-3.19.3.run) into that and run it from within that folder. I would also recommend installing the current HP drivers from the link below which may require you to connect the printer using USB temporarily.